
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

In January 2019, I signed up for the World Race. At the time, I was in my 5th year of teaching, wondering what to do next. I had been in my career for a while so I felt like I had “accomplished” that dream. 

One thought kept running through my head: “God, there has to be more to life than this. I’m in my mid-twenties and I already accomplished my dream of becoming a teacher. What’s next?” Then he reminded me of the World Race and I decided to give it a shot.  

God has changed me in many ways, but one of the most significant areas he transformed me is spiritually. Getting me out of my normal routine and the American Dream, brought me to a place where God could challenge my beliefs and doctrine. God has taken incorrect doctrine, negative thought patterns, and sin struggles and he has set me free and filled me with his truth. 

And now I LOVE reading my Bible. When I was a kid I thought I knew everything about the Bible since I went to church and Christian school. Turns out I was very wrong. God’s word has come alive to me this year! I’m reading passages that I grew up hearing and new things are jumping out at me. Before I read, I pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to me through what I’m reading. And he does! I’ve read through the New Testament in the last few months and I’m blown away by what I now understand by reading the books in their whole context. Go read your Bible. Just do it.

One of the things I looked forward to most about the Race was the community aspect. I am on a squad of 28 people who are all pursuing God. We are growing together through trials and victories. These people quickly became my family, and God has used them to challenge me. I have learned how to give and receive feedback, through the basis of a relationship and trust. I know they love me and want to help me become more like Christ so I trust them to speak truth into my life, even when it hurts. My squad has also helped me walk in the gifts God has given me. We encourage each other, push each other toward God, and run this crazy race of life together. I thought my three siblings back home were enough, but God gave me 27 more. Even more if you count my leadership.

Through my World Race journey I have gotten to meet and work with so many different ministries. I never realized how big the Kingdom of God was until I got out here and saw it. We have met believers everywhere we‘ve been. And through that, God has shown me that I can literally do anything as long as I am seeking his kingdom first. Like the phrase the organization uses- ministry is life and life is ministry. I take God with me everywhere I go so anything can be ministry if my focus is on him.

I also fell in love with the different cultures I visited. I love the diversity God has created: the languages, traditions, foods, etc. My perspective has changed as I now see the world through the eyes of someone who has seen God move all over the world. I don’t see things through my American lens alone. 

God has challenged me in a lot of ways, but the recent one is in the area of evangelism. I want to be so in love with God that he is literally all that I talk about. I want his word to be on my tongue in all situations. I want to get to the point where I am telling anyone who will listen about Jesus. 

So how did the World Race change my life? It set me on a journey of discovery with the Lord that gave me space to actually meet and encounter him. And through time spent with him this year, diving deep into scripture and getting out of my comfort zone, I’ve discovered who God truly is and therefore who I am in Him. I’m grounded, rooted in his word and truth. My priorities have shifted; the American Dream won’t do it for me anymore. And I have a purpose, a part in his Kingdom. This year has changed my trajectory in life. 

So if you’re in the age range of 18-35 I would highly recommend the World Race. It’s exactly what I didn’t know I needed. I grew in so many areas and now I feel better equipped to live my life for the Lord as long as there is breath in my lungs. These last two years have been crucial for me spiritually, and it’s been worth all the ups and downs of Covid and unknown cultures. If you’re considering doing the Race, just do it. It’s worth it. 

And if you’re not within that age range, know that you can live life on fire for the Lord at any point. The Kingdom needs you, no matter what life stage you are in. Get serious about your relationship with God, surrender everything to him, and step into the purpose he created you for. We are the body and every part is important. Let God change your life like he has changed mine. 

2 responses to “How My Journey On The World Race Changed My Life”

  1. Thanks for sharing these words Alayna. God has definitely guided you as you did The World Race. He provided for you in so many ways. You had so many encounters with people to share about God’s love. Your eyes were opened to see many things and you heard many things. Let God’s love continue to shine in your life.

  2. Hi, my name is Elsie. I am78 years old and have not had the health to
    go to Grace Baptist. I applaud you for getting out of your comfort zone.
    Yes, we have new insights as we read the Word. I am reading the chronological Bible, New, New King James version and am again
    seeing new things. I have learned to be quiet and let God direct
    my thoughts and He brings to mind people I should pray for. I
    did not know you or your family while at Grace. I only knew of you.

    God is so wonderful and He will use you. Your insights have encourged
    me. Thank you-Elsie