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On January 5th I left Minnesota to begin my next journey with The World Race on the Alumni 10/40 trip. I flew to Pennsylvania where I met up with my squad for the first time. We joined a local group to go through the Perspectives Course together. It was a 15 week course on the global missions movement and we did it all in 9 days. We did lots of homework, heard from many different missionaries, and left feeling better equipped and excited for working in the Kingdom! It was one of the BEST courses I’ve taken and I highly recommend it. You can check out their website here: Perspectives Course.

After our two weeks in PA, my squad road tripped down to Gainesville, GA to join the other squads launching for even more training. Arriving on AIM campus was like coming home. I was able to see friends from my past routes and hear from some of my favorite speakers. It’s been a long month of training, but I’m excited to apply what I’ve learned.

And now, my squad is finally on our way to Kyrgyzstan! We said goodbye to our mentor, and we are currently waiting to board our flight to Istanbul, then on to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. It doesn’t quite feel real yet. It hasn’t hit me that I’m on my way back to the 10/40 window, but I’m expectant for all that God has!


I am still fundraising. God has been providing and I’m so thankful for all who have partnered with me so far. I’m still looking for monthly donors, so if you’d like more information on how you can get involved, let me know. I have about $4,750 left to raise.

If you’d like to support me financially, here’s how:

Venmo @alaynawood (last 4 of my phone # are 5704)

PayPal alaynawood92

Donation page (tax deductible)


Prayer Requests/Praises:

  • For safe travels as we make our way to Kyrgyzstan and then on to our specific ministry locations, and as we adjust to the major time difference/jetlag.
  • Unity in our new teams. We are split into 3 teams of 5. We’ve loved being all together as a squad so being apart will be an adjustment.
  • For open hearts as we share the gospel in this primarily Muslim country. We want them to know the God who LOVES them! And for boldness for us as we share and are obedient to God’s leading.

I am starting a prayer text group. If you are interested in being added to that, download Whatsapp and send me your name and number. I’d also love to pray for you, so feel free to send prayer requests anytime!