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The World Race is an 11 month mission trip program under the organization Adventures in Missions, geared for anyone ages 21-30. It is an amazing opportunity for you to discover a deeper relationship with God, grow in community with other believers, and experience the vibrancy and uniqueness of other cultures. Seeing how God is working around the world opened my eyes to a global view of His Kingdom that I didn’t have before. It brought me out of my United States version of His Kingdom and gave me a glimpse of the bigger picture. Even though it may not seem like it, God is moving in mighty ways around the world, and he invites us to be a part of it!

From the outside it may look like a sightseeing trip, but the work that the Lord does in you and through you will go much deeper than seeing the Taj Mahal or crossing countries off your bucket list. He may nudge you to share the gospel with your Uber driver or the owner of the hostel you’re staying in. You could also have the opportunity to serve at a new church, or visit elderly people in nursing homes. The possibilities of how God will use you are endless! I went in with a ‘YES’ in my heart and watched God change my life completely. 

On my initial Race in January 2020 I was out for 2.5 months (thanks Covid), but I loved every minute of it. It was worth the struggles of fundraising and leaving home, worth the long travel hours and the uncertainty of new cultures/language barriers. I loved it so much that I signed up to go out again in January 2021 to hopefully experience the full 11 months with my squad.

If this sounds exactly like what you’re looking for, then the World Race might be for you. They offer a few different route choices, so you can pray into it and see where God is leading you. Check out their upcoming trips, and other information, here.

I know you are probably reading all the blogs you can find right now, but also allow there to be some mystery to it. God knows your heart, and He has a plan. So take the leap of faith, fill out that application, and begin your journey to a deeper understanding of God and His Kingdom. It might just be the life change you’ve been needing!

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